

Sparked into existence by Saravana Dhanpal, an MSW graduate and his youthful, dynamic friends, Agnii strives to bring smiles and light up lives of the underprivileged in the society. Agnii strongly believes that art can make a big difference in the quality of people’s lives, and enrich the ethos of our society. Agnii aspires to create a culture of peace friendship and harmony in the society.

Originally started as an entertainment group which performed fire-dance, Agnii has now metamorphosed into an ART for a CAUSE group. Child welfare, right to education, women upliftment, gender issues, human rights, issues of the environment- all find a platform of expression in Agnii.

The decade long journey of Agnii has been full of vigour, enthusiasm, action and has been driven by passion to see smiles on the faces of the underpriviledged. Nationally and internationally, Agnii has won accolades for their soul rendering means of communicating and encouraging the world to stand up and take notice of the underpriviledged.

Agnii believes that a small spark can light up a thousand lamps, and in turn a thousand smiles.


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