Fire Emergencies and Emergency Action Planning
Potential emergencies in University buildings may require the occupants to evacuate the building. The following information and procedures have been designed to help ensure your personal safety, should an evacuation become necessary.
If you come across a fire accident:
- Alert: People in the area to evacuate
- Activate: The nearest fire alarm
The nearest fire station for Carlton Tower is Richmond road,xavier layout,victoria layout fire station, This is the nearest fire station, its around 5.1kms from carlton towers,it would take approximately 8 minutes to take reach the carlton tower.
Do the necessary things
- I am reporting a fire
- My address is (Also give cross and streets)
- The fire is on the which floor and which room
- Tell caller name and telephone number
- Alert others and coordinate actions.
- Send someone to meet department
- Use fire extinguishers and evacuate according to Emergency Plan. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.
- Account for personnel at evacuation site.