“Deep engagement with CSOs will be necessary in pastoral policy development, as these organisations can provide necessary checks and balances on government decision-making...”

The AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa provides a unique opportunity for countries to establish comprehensive national policies that will confer full political, social, economic and environmental rights to pastoral communities.

Its core values are sustainable natural resource management, equitable and secured access to pastoral resources, and peace and security.

Strong commitment will be needed from individual countries, as well as cooperation at regional and continental levels, to remove obstacles to pastoral development.

The target will be legislation, institutions and operational procedures that are obsolete, overlapping, have conflicting and unclear mandates, duplicate efforts and responsibilities, or are a waste of resources.

Pastoralists themselves and Civil Society Organisations can ensure their governments face up to the challenge and undertake the participatory processes needed. CSOs can identify pastoral communities and indigenous institutions, ensure gender balance, enrich the debate and ensure grassroots ownership.

The policy framework for pastoralism is in place.

It's in your hands…

The AU Policy Framework is available to download at: http://au.int/en/dp/rea/documents

"This REGLAP leaflet is exactly what CSOs should be doing...It is essential that as many people as possible are informed about the framework policy.”

Janet Edeme, Senior Policy Officer, Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission

For more information on REGLAP and a copy of this leaflet, please see: http://www.disasterriskreduction.net/projects-and-activities/detail/?dyna_fef[uid]=191

The AU Policy Framework

for Pastoralism in Africa

In Your Hands...

The African Union has produced a roadmap for securing, protecting and improving the lives and livelihoods of pastoralists. The Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa is a guideline for African governments to review their policies on pastoralism.

‘It is now up to pastoralists themselves and Civil

Society Organisations to make sure they do’.

“A remarkable document”

The Policy Framework is the first continent-wide policy initiative that aims to secure the rights of African pastoralists.

It makes statements about pastoralism that are long over due….

üPastoralism helps to protect and safeguard the key national resources found in arid and semi arid areas

üPastoralist ecosystems transcend national borders, and movement within these systems is economically and ecologically rational

üThe well established and robust livestock export trade continues to grow and respond to new market opportunities

A roadmap to a better future

The Policy Framework has two objectives – one people focused and one livestock focused. It recommends countries redraft their national policies to:


1 Recognize the role of pastoralism in national economic development

2Demonstrate their commitment to pastoralism with affirmative action

3Integrate pastoral issues into other development sectors – land and

Natural Resource Management


Acknowledge the legitimacy of indigenous pastoral institutions

5Strengthen the role and rights of women in pastoral communities

6Mainstream pastoral issues into poverty reduction programmes

7Use alternative 'mobile' models for service delivery - education and health

Animals and Rangeland

1Secure pastoral property rights

2Support mobility within and between countries

3Protect pastoral livestock assets

4Develop the marketing of pastoral livestock and livestock products

5Promote financial and insurance services tailored to pastoral areas

6Protect African genetic resources – pastoral animals and plants

7Strengthen research and extension

A platform for political commitment

The Policy Framework advises countries to develop national pastoral policies by establishing a National Steering Committee and a team of experts. It recommends they use a seven step participatory process:

                7 Disseminate information
                and provide training for
                6   Enact new or repeal old  
Process               pastoral-related  
          5   Design implementation  
          programme and institutional  
Participatory         4   Refine and get approval of the
          national pastoral policy  
    3     Look at institutional and  
      financial/budgetary options  
  2   Prepare working documents for further
  1 Consult stakeholders and identify key  

The role of the AU

The Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa was drafted after an extensive consultation process. It was adopted by the Ministers of Agriculture across Africa in October 2010, and approved by the AU Executive Council at the 16th Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly, which took place from the 30th - 31st January 2011 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The AU will work in collaboration with the Regional Economic Commissions to promote implementation of the policy framework by member states. It will also support dissemination among CSOs and pastoralists. A tracking mechanism will ensure countries report regularly on their progress.