Track showing 13 shepherds location near Sreenivasa Nagara and Kallukamba. All shepherds are located within 10kms range.
This track details an area near, about 1 K.M from, Sommalapura cross. The details are regarding what the sheep grazed around.
The track details out the path that shepherds took, along with the sheep, while going to Sreenivasa Nagara from Somalapura cross.
The track displays the 4 K.M route that the shepherds took to graze the sheep near Sreenivasa Nagara in a grazing land.
The track shows a 35 K.M walk from Sreenivasa Nagara to Ulenooru which the shepherds took.
This track shows the path that shepherds took to graze the sheep in Ulenooru.
This track shows where Vajir and other shepherds were staying when they were near Sommalapura cross.